I'm on the search for
new/sealed copies of Silent Hill 2. I can offer
money or a trade for these items! If you have
new/sealed copies of these games, please
contact me.
Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut
English/UK ReleasePlayStation 2 Platinum
Silent Hill 2: Director's Cut
English/UK ReleasePC CD-ROM
Promotional Standee
Large, foldable promotional standee showcasing the "Welcome Back!" European advertising campaign for Silent Hill 2.
The display has a cut-out of the room's ceiling beams and hooks that protrudes out from the top to simulate a 3D effect.
A small LED also protrudes out of James' flashlight that flickers varying degrees of light intensity to simulate the flashlight dying out. (63.5 x 173 cm)
Friend's Silent Hill Collection Sites
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